
Better balance begins with your fork.

Dr. Michelle in her kitchen
A great, healthy, and addictive snack! I am not a huge fan of the texture of legumes, but these chickpeas transform once roasted; they become nutty, crunchy, and addicting!  Besides being an inexpensive and healthy...
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When browsing the internet for some meal planning inspiration, I came across one recipe over and over again.  It got rave reviews and it had a funny name, so I was intrigued.  Today, I’ve taken...
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In the journey toward optimal health, the quality of food we consume plays a pivotal role, especially when it comes to balancing hormones, maintaining ideal weight, and feeling our best. This Chicken Teriyaki GLOW Bowl...
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With December sneaking up on us out of nowhere, juggling holiday parties and busy schedules can mean skimping on eating our best. It’s crucial to nourish ourselves with meals that not only ignite our taste...
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Bloating and digestive issues can sneak up on us, especially during busy times like the holidays. Overindulgence, travel, disrupted routines can all add up to a bloated, inflamed, back up digestive system.  But don’t worry,...
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One of my favorite fruits to incorporate into my fall and winter culinary palette is none other than the antioxidant-loaded, heart healthy, hormone balancing, inflammation-kicking pomegranate.  And what better way to overcome the dullness of a...
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Nothing says fall vibes more than delicious (and super nutritious)  Butternut Squash. In under 25 minutes, I present to you the perfect dish for busy evenings when you crave something hearty, yummy, and good for...
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While Halloween may be over, the fun doesn’t have to end—especially when it comes to those leftover pumpkins! Instead of tossing them aside, make the most of your pumpkin seeds with a simple and nutritious...
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It’s no secret that food is medicine… Every time we eat, we have the opportunity to move one step closer to health, or one step closer to sickness. I believe that all we need to...
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We all know life gets busy, and we’re all about making it a bit easier and healthier. So, let’s talk about a recipe that’s both a snap to make and good for your hormones. This...
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Pan-fried scallops with white wine garlic sauce is an easy and delicious recipe, perfect for a quick healthy meal, a date night in, or a special occasion. Serve with cauliflower rice, zucchini noodles, or your...
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Anytime I feel like I need a little dietary reset, I pull out this Chicken Detox Soup recipe.  It is great after holidays, vacations, or long seasons of entertaining guests and going out to eat...
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