
Many people have completed genetic home tests out of curiosity about their ancestry, for the entertainment value of learning obscure facts about themselves, or because they were trying to get to the root of complex...
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Have you ever wondered why a certain diet works well for some and not as well for others? Do you ever wonder why someone is naturally slim, while others aren’t? Would you like to prevent...
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The summer is a great time for people to come together, catch up on old times, share some fun in the sun, enjoy the fresh air and each other’s company… and, of course, eat. Food...
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Are you the kind of person who is always smiling, or laughs out loud at jokes? Turns out, it could depend on your genes. How happy you are depends on a lot. Your personality, your...
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Have you ever wondered why some people can have a bowl of candy on their desk or a plate of cookies in the break room and not be phased by it, while others will be...
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Check out this amazing podcast with Broadie Welch, who invited Dr. Michelle to be on her show to discuss maximizing your genetic potential.  You’ll find yourself captivated by Dr. Michelle’s insight and ability to teach...
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