Glow Midweek Recipe

This week we started off with an invitation to join us in a 5-Day Sugar Detox Challenge next week. In keeping with the invitation, here’s our sweet offering this week Cinnamon Almond Candies 🙂 This...
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If you missed it, I sent an email out earlier this week sharing some of the incredible benefits of cinnamon. Most herbs and spices have incredible healing and anti-inflammatory properties. Cinnamon is one of my...
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It is HOT outside, and that means I’m looking for nutrient-dense food that I can eat without having to cook or heat up the house.   My Summer Fruit Salad fits this bill perfectly. All...
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Our challenge for this week has been to avoid pre-packaged and processed foods. These foods are typically laden with chemicals, preservatives, food coloring, and more. They also spike our blood sugar, which leads to blood...
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This week’s recipe is from my 21-Day Metabolic Rehab program. I love this recipe for its detox benefits, and it’s also packed with nutrients! This GLOW Bowl has protein and healthy fats in the lentils,...
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Our challenge this week is to incorporate more leafy greens into our diets. Leafy greens are great as the base for salads, wilted as a side dish or in a GLOW Bowl, and are great...
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This week’s recipe is one of my favorites from my 21-Day Metabolic Rehab program. It’s the perfect summer salad, with blueberries and a bright lemon dressing. My Spinach and Blueberry Salad with Lemon Basil Dressing...
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Postpartum depression rates have nearly tripled as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. A study, which was conducted by the University of Alberta in Canada, showed that the number of women reporting symptoms of maternal...
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This weekend is the Fourth of July! While gatherings might look a bit different this year, you can still have a delicious and healthy BBQ meal right at home to celebrate! Today I’m sharing three...
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One of our favorite treats, when it starts to get hot outside, is popsicles! Kids of all ages love them. And guess what? You can make healthy, nutrient-dense – and super yummy – popsicles at...
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Our challenge this week is all about connection. One of my favorite ways to connect is over a shared meal. There’s nothing quite like coming together, eating delicious food, and talking and laughing for hours...
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If you’ve been following our social media posts this week, you’ve likely noticed that our challenge this week is to eliminate alcohol. We’ve got a delicious Moscow Mule Mocktail recipe that is truly healthy! One...
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