Diet and Nutrition

From melting away cellulite to decreasing joint pain and erasing wrinkles, collagen has been touted as an anti-aging and health building panacea.  It’s been touted as the “fountain of youth” and many new collagen pills...
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Fruits and vegetables come in a rainbow of colors.  Each hue is nature’s color code to certain nutrients that help your body function at its best.  Here’s how (and why!) to eat the rainbow. Natural...
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It’s that time of year when the kiddos are headed back to school, and that means you’ll have one additional task on your list: School Lunches! Unless you live in a city or town that...
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The summer is a great time for people to come together, catch up on old times, share some fun in the sun, enjoy the fresh air and each other’s company… and, of course, eat. Food...
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Portion control is one of the BIGGEST contributing factors when it comes to reaching your goals. Too much of anything is not a good thing. Watching your portion size can absolutely mean the difference between...
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Autoimmune diseases such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, MS and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis are painful and difficult to live with.  While each autoimmune condition is unique in its mechanism, at their core, they have one thing in...
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Fat is the new black.  It wasn’t long ago that the fat-free craze had everyone swearing off this important macronutrient.  Thanks to modern research, we now understand how important the right kinds of fats are...
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12% of Americans do not eat breakfast, and more than 50% skip it at least once a week!  Those who skip breakfast usually say it’s because they do not have enough time, would rather hit...
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Antidepressants and synthetic hormones are not the way to wellness. These common conventional treatments are handed out like candy to women over 40, but they carry risks that just aren’t worth the gamble. There are...
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Today, you can find many alternatives for animal milk, yogurt, and other dairy products in the supermarkets. The number of people drinking and using them is rising, so there are a lot more options out...
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If you’re looking for the perfect spring dish, these Garlic Chicken Asparagus Wraps need to be on your menu this week! This recipe is loaded with clean protein, not only from the chicken but the...
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  Spring is here! For many of us, spring represents a time of renewal. It is why we get that spring cleaning itch once the weather starts to warm up. We’re ready to throw open...
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