
I am often asked by women if the pill is ever a good way to deal with hormone imbalance. My answer is always a resounding no! Why? Because hormonal birth control profoundly disrupts hormone balance....
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You may have heard people say, “Stress Kills” and that stress-related issues are the reason for over 70 percent of doctor visits. But did you realize that in addition to being a killer, stress is...
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Hormones tend to go haywire at some very specific times in a woman’s life.  First, we have puberty, then there is pregnancy and childbirth, and finally menopause.  Post pregnancy hormones are pretty important, as they...
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 After spending years as an athlete and personal trainer, talk of boosting testosterone was common among my male counterparts.  We often equate testosterone with big muscular men, with facial hair and high sex drives. Testosterone...
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Mindfulness is about being fully awake in our lives. It is about perceiving the exquisite vividness of each moment. It may seem ironic, but the better you become at being truly awake, the better you...
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