GLOW weekly recipe

Thanksgiving is over, but the eating season has just begun! Lots of celebrations centered around food are on the horizon, and they can be no fun for those of us with food restrictions, whether we...
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I’ve talked before about my GLOW Bowl template which is an easy and delicious way to combine nutrient-dense foods. GLOW Bowl is one of the easiest ways to eat balanced, healthy meals. Our featured recipe...
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This week we started off with an invitation to join us in a 5-Day Sugar Detox Challenge next week. In keeping with the invitation, here’s our sweet offering this week Cinnamon Almond Candies 🙂 This...
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This recipe makes 4 servings 🙂 INGREDIENTS 1 cup Quinoa, rinsed and soaked for 20 minutes 2 cups Vegetable Broth ¼ cup Pitted Kalamata Olives, chopped ½ cup toasted Pine Nuts 2 cups Baby Spinach...
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Earlier this week, I shared some healing herbs and spices that you might already have in your spice cabinet. By incorporating herbs, spices, and botanicals into your eating and cooking, you’re giving your body a...
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This week’s challenge has been about using our inspiration as motivation. This applies to all areas of our lives – including our meals! It can be easy to get into a rut when it comes...
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We’ve been talking this week about grounding. The bottoms of the feet have long been considered maps of the rest of the body, so by grounding through the feet, we are simultaneously allowing currents of...
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This week’s challenge was to “Eat the Rainbow” of vegetables and fruit. We often get into a rut and eat the same veggies over and over again. It’s important to include a variety of fruits...
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This week, I’m sharing one of my favorite vinaigrette recipes. This particular recipe is so simple, and the flavors are bright – this dressing can be used in so many ways to help boost the...
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It is HOT outside, and that means I’m looking for nutrient-dense food that I can eat without having to cook or heat up the house.   My Summer Fruit Salad fits this bill perfectly. All...
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