glow protocol

It’s no secret that food is medicine… Every time we eat, we have the opportunity to move one step closer to health, or one step closer to sickness. I believe that all we need to...
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This is not only the start of a brand new year, BUT also the first chapter of an entire new decade. This brings a whole new meaning to setting goals for the year – what...
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Does everyone really need to detox? Doesn’t our body come complete with an innate ability to detoxify? The answer to both of those questions is: “YES”. We all need to detox daily, and we all...
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When it comes to holiday celebrations and traditions, it can be really difficult to stay on track with your Autoimmune friendly diet.  The temptation can lead to flare-ups, and that’s not how we want to...
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Have you ever wondered why a certain diet works well for some and not as well for others? Do you ever wonder why someone is naturally slim, while others aren’t? Would you like to prevent...
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When it comes to hormones, it is all about balance.  More isn’t always better, and you can definitely have too much of a good thing. When one hormone is dominating, it throws off the delicate...
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Finding out you have a fibroid can be scary, but it doesn’t have to be. Don’t worry, you are not alone. In fact, according to the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, between 80% and...
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If feeling tired has become your new normal, you are not alone.  Did you realize that your lack of quality sleep can be hurting your physical, mental, and emotional health? Do you find yourself dozing...
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“Let food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food” is a popular quote attributed to Hippocrates, a Greek physician who lived from 460 B.C. to 375 B.C. and is widely known as “the...
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Slow-cooked chicken and tomatoes remind me of the rustic Italian dish at family gatherings growing up in New York. This is one of those dishes that just screams “comfort food.” While it’s definitely comfort food,...
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Contrary to common belief, naturopathic doctors are not just doctors who prescribe natural remedies to patients. (This means that a visit to the health food store is not a substitute for advice from a licensed...
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Have you ever wondered why some people can have a bowl of candy on their desk or a plate of cookies in the break room and not be phased by it, while others will be...
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