Meet The Team

Lou Monico

Operations Manager

Hi, I’m Lou. I’m passionate about helping women feel empowered in their health journey with a holistic approach to finding balance and joy in life.

I am an adventurer and nature lover. I play soccer and volleyball year-round. I live in beautiful upstate New York enjoying an active lifestyle with my two daughters.

As a mother, caregiver, and working in a fast-paced corporate job for nearly 20 years I understand stress, trauma, and hormone imbalance and the toll it can take on your health when unmanaged.

I graduated from the Health Coach Institute as a health and life coach and continued mastery in several modalities including hormone specialization to build a solid foundation in understanding true “wellness.”

My life’s purpose is to connect and serve, taking a heart-centered approach to each person to inspire and help others live their optimal life, health, and best selves. I’m honored to be part of the Glow Natural Wellness team.